Putty Not Opening Serial Port

Active2 months ago

Can Putty be used to send serial data from the PC to the PIC? Ask Question Asked 3 years, 4 months ago. See Is it possible to send the content of text file over PuTTY over serial port where a solution is given using PLink (PuTTY Link, I presume) which should be part of the PuTTY install. Mar 25, 2014  'Unable to open connection to COM3 Unable to open serial port' com port disappears. Connecting a USB to Serial converter (Belkin) to connect to Cisco Routers. It worked for days on XP and suddenly I got the above message.

How to open PuTTY terminal directly, without configuration window? Ask Question Asked 1 year. Putty.exe user@host -P port Or, to open your existing stored session. Exactly what I was looking for to open a Serial terminal in one click. Putty session opens to black screen. Upon attempting to open a Putty session, all i get is a black window with no prompt no Switch# no nothing. Hitting enter twice as some have suggested does nothing. But what i do not have is a serial port on my laptop. I have a usb to serial adapter; usb in my laptop M to F pluged into. Your data logger may record great data, but if you can't retrieve it, the data isn’t going to do you much good. To ensure your successful data retrieval, it’s essential that you can troubleshoot possible problems that may arise with PC-to-data-logger communication over a serial connection.


I want to connect with my serial Port using PuTTY program, but it's not possible, when I ckick 'open' nothing happens. I only hear a 'Beep, Beep'.. under a Windows 7 on MAC OS X with VirtualBox

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2 Answers

The first thing I'd do is make sure you can connect to your external device using the Host OS directly. Since you're on a Mac you can use screen from the command line (since you're using 9600 baud):

If that doesn't work then you're dead in the water.

Then make sure your host's serial port is exposed to your Virtual client. From your host Virtualbox settings you'll need to pass through your serial port (like here https://superuser.com/questions/436049/how-to-use-host-serial-port-from-guest-in-virtualbox).

In Putty then you should be able to connect to the COM port you passed through.


Had this problem and found the solution.Putty wont open a connection from the 'Serial' tab in the left column.Choose 'Session' instead and select the checkbox for Serial.

Putty Not Opening Serial Port Mac Os


Putty Serial Port Emulator

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