File Info
Game File: WWE SmackDown Vs. RAW 2006 (USA) PSP ISO Game Size: 1.2GB Game Console: Playstation Portable Game Region: USA Game Genre: Sports Game Release Date: WWE SmackDown Vs. RAW 2006 (USA) PSP ISO Credits WWE SmackDown Vs. RAW 2006 (USA) PSP ISO Guides WWE SmackDown Vs. RAW 2006 (USA) PSP ISO Cheats WWE SmackDown Vs. Product description. In WWE SmackDown! Vs RAW 2006, the action, rivalries and storylines of great pro wrestling come to life on your PSP! Prove you're the best, as you face off with the WWE Legends in 100 different match types. WWE SmackDown! RAW 2006 (often shortened to WWE SvR 2006 and known as Exciting Pro Wrestling 7: SmackDown! Raw 2006 in Japan), is a professional wrestling video game released on the PlayStation 2 console and the PlayStation Portable handheld console by THQ and developed by Yuke's. Download WWE SmackDown vs RAW 2006 (U)(ARTiSAN) ROM / ISO for PSP from Rom Hustler. 100% Fast Download.'s game information and ROM (ISO) download page for WWE SmackDown! Raw 2006 (Sony Playstation 2).
System : PSP
Best Emulator : PPSSPP
File Size : 1.2 GB ( 350 MB / Part )

Released : 2005
Genre : Wrestling
Language : English

Cover Image
How to Extract RAR ?
- Download and Install Winrar
- Open Application and Select “Extract Here” or “Extract Files”
- If multiple parts e.g. part1-part2. You must download ALL the parts and save them in the same folder, after that simply select ANY part and choice “Extract” (same as step 2). then the extracted files will be merged automatically.
- for android users, we recommended RARLAB to do this operation, but you can use other apps like Zarchiver if you want to. you can find this apps in play store
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- Extract RAR”
- Load ISO with Emulator
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Wwe Smackdown Vs Raw Guide
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He's broken, Smacked-Down IN half!
Now I'm not sure what happened to THQ and 2K games during the later wrestling games, because the graphics in games like WWE 12' WWE 13', and WWE 2K14 all have inconsistent presentation.
Smackdown vs Raw 2006 and the later on Smackdown vs Raw 2007 have great looking visuals and the models are actually in line and look realistic.
You can see the effort put in the models especially if you compare this game's Booker T to WWE 12's Booker T model.
Now one thing to note about this game, is that it was converted from the PS2. So various things like the textures for the models, arenas, and announcer tables, they have either been downgraded or removed entirely for this games conversion on the PSP.
There is some parts of the graphics that just don't look right. It's mainly the fans appearance, they look like they didn't have hardly any time put into them, they don't look like people, they look more like cheap paper cut outs more than anything else.
So overall Graphics gets a 8 out of 10.
Wwe Smackdown Vs Raw 2006 Psp Free Roms
Sound:Unfortunately like I said earlier some stuff has gotten scrapped. The commentary team's speech samples have been completely cut out, and
The only time you'll hear the announcers is during Career/Story mode cut scenes. The Soundtrack it's self has some pretty good music, mainly a mixture of rock type music, and bit of rap.
The downside is that it'll be repetitive in that sense, nothing else will play nor can you add your own music to justify this.
Luckily you can mute the music in the game options, and just deal with the crowd cheering/booing.
Sound gets a 5 out of 10.
It's a Wrestling game, what's not to like about them? These games are literally meant for high tale button mashing, with some reversal requirement here and there.
Literally anyone can pick up and play this without struggle. You can beat up the referees, Jump off the tope rope, do finishers, and just bury all of the young talent.
Needless to say; I put hours into this game and I can't get enough of it.
So Addictiveness scores a 10 out of 10.
Story N/A
Wrestling isn't big on story. Just play career mode, and you'll go into a feud against someone.
You have a lot of stuff, over 30 caws to make, Plenty of moves beyond belief you can use, You have career mode, unlocks, a locker room mode, Various things to do. My Only complaint here is during 'Create A Wrestler' mode whenever you approach a style you wanna use the game's gotta load it, so load times can be quite a chore to wait through if you love making lots of caws.
In terms of content, this game does have more to offer than Smack down vs Raw 2007 so that's a big plus.
Depth scores a 9 out of 10
Difficulty: 1/10
Like I said in the Addictiveness section of this review this game can be picked up and played very easily. So with that said, the game isn't hard at all.

Smackdown vs Raw 2006 is one of the best wrestling games for the PSP, It features tons of playable matches, mini games, and even a career mode.
I'm ma give it a 9.2 out of 10, if it wasn't for the dreaded loading times I would rate it higher.
Graphics 8 Sound 5 Addictive 10 Depth 9 Difficulty 1
He's broken, Smacked-Down IN half!SuperCrash64
Graphics:Now I'm not sure what happened to THQ and 2K games during the later wrestling games, beca...
Graphics 8 Sound 5 Addictive 10 Depth 9 Difficulty 1
Review Rating: 2/5 Submitted: 02-01-16 Updated: 02-01-16 Review Replies: 1