Tips For Small Group Bible Study Leaders
Bible Studies For Personal Enrichment or Small Groups…
Free Bible Study Guides Pratical Answers - Real Hope! These free Study Guides are designed to help with you in mind, considering what practical answers you need to deal with the real challenges in your life today. We want these study guides to be relevant, engaging and life-changing—making your life better now, and giving you a real, solid.
- Free Bible Lessons for Adults. These free Bible lessons for adults contain a variety of subjects; so whether you are a seasoned Bible study teacher or just beginning study the Bible, we hope you find something that will help you dig into God's Word.
- Free Bible Study Guides Practical Answers - Real Hope. These free Study Guides are designed to help with you in mind, considering what practical answers you need to deal with the real challenges in your life today. We want these study guides to be relevant, engaging and life-changing—making your life better now and giving you a real, solid.
[Leadership Studies] | [Preaching]
Tips for leading a small group Bible Study-
Our Bible Study Groups are a really important part of believer’s discipleship. Bible Study Groups are not merely an intellectual exercise. They are a profound enterprise in building the community of our church so that there is a strong hedge of protection around each member of the church participating. Bible Study Group leaders are responsible for-
(i)Discussing what the text actually says. This means using questions like- “Does anyone else have a different translation of that text?” “How might you re-word that text?” “What is Paul (or the author of the text) trying to say here?” “Does the context of this text affect the way we understand what is really being said here?”
(ii) Discussing what the text means. This means using questions like- “What does this [word] mean in this text?” “Can you recall any other Bible texts that shed light on this text?” “What would you say to someone who said [ridiculous interpretation of the text] ?” “Are there any Biblical exceptions to this?”
(iii) Discussing how the text applies to us. This means facilitating questions like- “Have you ever met anyone who did this text well?” “If someone wanted to improve in how they obeyed this text, what they have to do better?” “How could a believer faced with [difficult and challenging circumstances] apply this text?” “If you met someone who was struggling with this text what could you say to them to help them?” “Can you think of another text that complements this text?” “If we as a group did this verse really well, what challenges would we have had had to overcome to get there?“
To open one of the Bible Studies series below, click on the ( + ) sign on each Bible Study Series. To download either the coaching MP3, or the Printable PDF files, right-click on the link and “Save as” or “Download linked file”.
How To Be A Covenant Community Of Believers
This is a series of 27 studies examining the Romans 12:9-21 passage which explores how to develop a stronger community within a Church.
Study 1 – Let Love Be Genuine 2 – Abhor What Is Evil 3 – Hold Fast To What Is Good 4 – Love One Another With Brotherly Affection 5 – Outdo One Another In Showing Honour 6 – Do Not Be Slothful In Zeal 7 – Be Fervent In Spirit

Study 8 – Serve The Lord 9 – Rejoice in hope 10 – Be patient in tribulation 11 – Be constant in prayer 12 – Contribute to the needs of the saints 13 – Seek to show hospitality 14 – Bless those who persecute you 15 – Bless and do not curse 16 – Rejoice with those who rejoice 17 – Weep with those who weep 18 – Live in harmony with one another 19 – Do not be haughty 20 – Associate with the lowly 21 – Do not be conceited 22 – Repay no one evil for evil 23But give thought to do what is honourable in the sight of all. 24As far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all 25Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God 26To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; For by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head” 27Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good., A Story - Study 5 Bible Characters who each only get a one verse mention in Scripture
1. Jubal, the father of musical instruments Study 1 – Leader’s MP3 coaching Audio |
2. Tubal-cain, instructor in metallurgy Study 2 – |
3. Elzaphan, undertaker to dead priests |
4. Ahiezer, the man who could never always be right Study 4 – Leader’s MP3 Coaching Audio |
5. Tertius, the near anonymous letter writer |
Surprised By True Love, Studies in First John
The GOSPEL in Romans - Bible Study
This Study series includes printable PDFs and mentoring MP3s for the Group leader…
Introduction [PDF] [MP3] Part 1 – The Power of God [PDF] [MP3] Part 2 – Written On Hearts [PDF] [MP3] Part 3 – None Righteous [PDF] [MP3] Part 4 – Father Abraham [PDF] [MP3] Part 5 – The Free Gift [PDF] [MP3] Part 6 – Slaves Of Righteousness [PDF] [MP3] Part 7 – Nothing Good In Me [PDF] [MP3] Part 8 – According To His Purpose [PDF] [MP3] | Part 9 – God’s Purpose Of Election [PDF] [MP3] Part 10 – The End Of The Law [PDF] [MP3] Part 11 – A Partial Hardening [PDF] [MP3] Part 12 – Sacrifices, Stewards, Servants [PDF] [MP3] Part 13 – Put On The Lord Jesus Christ [PDF] [MP3] Part 14 – Pursue What Makes For Peace [PDF] [MP3] Part 15 – May You Abound In Hope [PDF] [MP3] Part 16 – Watch Out For Those Who Cause Division [PDF] [MP3] |
The Christian Walk - Studies In First Peter
Lesson 1 Chosen To Be Strange Introduction to First Peter, 1Peter 1:1 – 2 Lesson 2 Born Again And Bound For Glory1Peter 1:3 – 5 Lesson 3 Sufferings, Trials, And Testings1Peter 1:6 – 7 Lesson 4 The Believer’s Focus: JESUS1Peter 1:8 – 9 Lesson 5 Christ: Suffered But Was Glorified1Peter 1:10 – 12 Lesson 6 Living The Walk: Holiness In Mind1Peter 1:13 – 14 Lesson 7 We Live Differently1Peter 1:15 – 17 Lesson 8 We Have Been Redeemed1Peter 1:18 – 21 Lesson 9 What Love Means In The Christian Community1Peter 1:22 Lesson 10 Life Is Short, You Must Be Born Again1Peter 1:23 – 25 Lesson 11 Don’t Hate, Don’t Lie, Don’t Neglect The Word Lesson 12 The Universal Church Building Program Lesson 13 The People of God With Purpose | Lesson 14 Be Objects Of Pagan Admiration Lesson 15 Submission To Authority Lesson 16 Godliness In The Workplace 1Peter 2:18-20 Lesson 17 No Retaliation For Insults 1Peter 2:21-25 Lesson 18 Unsaved Husbands 1Peter 3:1-6 Lesson 19 A Word To Husbands 1Peter 3:7 Lesson 20 A Summary Thus Far 1Peter 3:8-12 Lesson 21 Quiet Evangelism1Peter 3:13-18 Lesson 22 The Believer’s Baptism1Peter 3:19 Lesson 23 A Different Attitude1Peter 4:1-3 Lesson 24 You’re Strange1Peter 4:4-5 Lesson 25 Being A Clear Minded Prayer-Head1Peter 4:7-9 Lesson 26 Do What You Do – Do Well1Peter 4:10-11 |
1. How the Holy Spirit Transforms An Individual
2. How the Holy Spirit Transforms A Family
3. How the Holy Spirit Transforms A Church
4. How the Holy Spirit Transforms A Community
CHURCH-BASED Leadership Studies
This is a leadership training tool that helps pastors to train their leaders. It deals with the head, the heart, and the hands. That is, knowledge, character, and wisdom in ministry. [view](Contact us for the Leaders’ Answer Keys.)
The Mission of The Church
1. Introducing The Church [PDF]
2. The Mission of Enthroning [PDF]
3. The Mission of Encouraging [PDF]
4. The Mission of Empowering [PDF]
5. The Mission of Engaging [PDF]
The Stories of Redemption
1. The Prodigal Son
2. The Lost Sheep
3. The King’s Banquet
4. The Well Woman
5. A Man Of The Night
6. A Woman Getting Stoned [View/Download]
Prayer That Works
Study 1 – Praying Privately
Prayer 2 – Praying For Others
Prayer 3 – Praying In The Spirit
Prayer 4 – Praying The Scriptures
Prayer 5 – Praying Publicly
Prayer 6 – Praying Modely
Prayer 7 – Praying Lifestylely
We Believe - Understanding Basic Christian Doctrine
Small Group Bible Study Series…Introduction [PDF]
1. The Bible [PDF]
2. The Trinity [PDF]
3. Jesus Christ [PDF]
4. The Resurrection [PDF]
5. The Forgiveness of Sins [PDF]
6. Salvation [PDF]
7. Sanctification [PDF]
8. The Baptism With The Holy Spirit [PDF]
9. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit [PDF]
10. Healing [PDF]11. Water Baptism[PDF]
12. The Lord’s Supper [PDF]
13. God And Creation [PDF]
14. The Devil [PDF]
What The New Testament Commanded
What The New Testament Commanded
The New Testament is grounded in grace but this does not mean that there are no commands that the New Testament believer is compelled to obey. In this study series of 20 lessons for small groups, Dr Corbett takes you through why the New Testament commands, what the New Testament commands and how believers should respond to these commands.
The Commands Of Christ
There are over 500 commands that Christ gave for His followers. While the Old Covenant was to be fulfilled in lawful obedience, the New Covenant is fulfilled in a Person who makes us lawfully obedient. This Bible study curriculum is a collection of 20 Bible studies ideal for a church or small group to use for their annual Bible program [view].
Proverbial Wisdom
Proverbial Wisdom
The Book of Proverbs contains a wealth of wisdom for living a more fulfilling life.
The Psalms
An overview of the Psalms then focussing on certain Psalms with the goal of discovering how we can enrich our lives.
The Beatitudes
A series of 6 studies on the greatest sermon ever preached.
6-Study Edition: Downloadable PDFs
Bible Characters
Bible Characters
From Abraham to David in an increasing library of studies designed to examine the lives of these people to draw out lessons for our own lives.
How Then Should We Now Live?
1. Rom. 13:1-5 – Be Law Abiding [PDF] Rom. 13:6-8 – Be Paid Up [PDF] Rom. 13:9-10 – Be Pure [PDF] Rom. 13:11-14 – Put On The Armour of Light [PDF] Rom. 14:1-12 – Be Considerate [PDF] Rom. 14:13-23 – Be Sensitive Towards Others [PDF] Rom. 15:1-3 – Be A People Builder [PDF] Rom. 15:4-7 – Be Harmonious [PDF] Rom. 15:8-13 – Be Joyful [PDF] Bible Study Guides For Youth
10. Rom. 15:14-21 – Be Faithful [PDF] Rom.15:22-29 – Be Thinking Ahead [PDF]
12. Rom. 15:30-33 – Be Prayerful [PDF]
13. Rom. 16:1-16 – Be Honourable [PDF]
14. Rom. 16:17-23 – Be United
15. Rom. 16:24-27 – Be Strengthened
Character | |
Community | Conquering Giants! Studies in possessing God’s promises in the face of challenges that believers must face.[view] |
Leading Through Empowering | Finding Significance |
God’s Approval | Love |
Money | Pleasing God |
What Matters Most | |
Pentateuch Survey | Hebrews |
A veritable mine of theological wealth providing the basis of a sound theological training. This is College level Bible/Theological studies.
Hi, I am a small group leader at a church in Nevada and in our group we have been using your fabulous Downloadable study guide for the Beatitudes. They have been just perfect for the group. Thanks so much and have a blessed day, Sincerely, Adrianne Mitchell, USA |
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Printable Bible Study Guides Pdf
We affirm the Apostles’ Creed, Athanasian Creed, Nicene Creed, Chalcedon Creed, the Inerrancy of the Bible, the need for every person to be converted to Christ by the grace of God through the gift of faith as a work of the Holy Spirit and that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are given today as God wills.
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The Partial-Preterist (Classical Preterist) view of Bible prophecy is completely orthodox. It is Christo-centric. It is Biblical. It conforms to the ancient 4 Creeds of the Church. It is verified by history. It is commended to you in my ebook THE MOST EMBARRASSING BOOK IN THE BIBLE, which you can download immediately.