This article covers 5 timeline maker for kids websites. These timeline makers are very simple to use, all you have to do is enter your events' info and dates to add them to the timeline. In the end, you can save your timeline as PNG, PDF or HTML file. Timeline Maker Viewer is the perfect tool for easily sharing your Timeline Maker files. Use the free Timeline Maker Viewer to: Step through a timeline one event at a time (if turned on by the author). Hover over an event or task to see additional information (pop-up) like notes, duration etc. A timeline maker made for non-designers. Use the timeline maker to create a visual story of your company or your business journey. Choose from one of many easy-to-customize templates. Change the icons, colors, backgrounds, and fonts to match your theme. Make the template longer or shorter at any time. Use animations and easily embed on your site.
- Timeline Maker Free Printable
- Timeline Maker Free For Kids Online
- Free Timeline Maker For Kids In 5th Grade
- Timeline Template For Kids
- Free Online Timeline Maker For Kids
- Timeline Maker Free For Kids 3d
Project Timeline Templates - 6+ Free Word, PPT Format Download. 10+ Calendar Timeline Templates – Free Word, PPT Format. 8+ Timeline Templates for Students – Free Sample, Example. Biography Template - 20+ Free Word, PDF Documents Download. Timeline Template – 181+ Free Samples, Examples, Format. With Swiftlight’s intuitive drag-and-drop interface and simple navigation, getting going and creating your first project timeline is incredibly easy. Combine this with our free “3 minute” video tutorials and other support resources, and you’ll find there is no need for in-depth training. To see for yourself, why not get a free 30 day trial?
Free Printable Blank Timeline for Any History Curriculum Download our printable, blank timeline! Want to see a free chronological history curriculum that incorporates a timeline? Click here! Every homeschooler should have a timeline! A timeline lets you SEE the flow of history, lets you record and remember the people and events you've studied and also makes a nice 'portfolio' of years worth of work. We have created free timeline printables to help you construct your own timeline and provide ideas and teaching tips at the bottom of this page. Follow the instructions below. *All downloads on this page require Adobe Acrobat Reader (free). |
Print out our exclusive, free timeline cover and slip it underneath the plastic protector on the cover of a 3-ring notebook. The timeline 'spine' is a graphic you can slip down the spine of your notebook for easy reference. Click to download a cover for either a girl or a boy. |
The next step is to print out the numbered timeline pages provided below and put them into your notebook. You will need a total of 100 hole punched papers for a complete timeline. B.C. Timeline Pages A.D. Timeline Pages Blank Timeline Page(Use this page to print out extras or to make smaller timeline portions. I've made the PDF editable so you can add in your own custom dates!!) |
Now all you do is fill it up! You can print out blank pages as needed (if you fill up a page of specific dates, you can just have an extra page with the same dates inserted). We put just a little bit of everything into our timelines (you can see a sample page to the left). When we read a book set in a certain time period, we paste in a picture of the book cover. We also Google images, write in text or create our own pictures right on the pages for whatever we're studying. Our son likes to flip through his timeline and look at all of the 'historical' books he's read. It's not only fills him with a sense of accomplishment, but he's getting a great review of his studies without even realizing it. |
May 2011:
I've been working on making timeline figures for Otter's timeline notebook. I thought I'd share the template below with everyone else with a sample of how it works. Feel free to download and use to make your own timeline figures for any period of history.
It's easy to clear the template for your own use. I've included instructions on how to do that quickly (1 click!) for Microsoft Word and Open Office users.
Timeline figure template in .odt (Open Office) format (This template has a few differences than the Microsoft template. I had to adjust a few things. Also, shapes and text boxes from Word don't show up in Open Office. However, the main parts of the template should work fine. I have no way of checking though if the embedded font worked at the top of the page!)
Want to see a blog post about Otter's timeline and see examples of the pages he's put together? Click here.
A little bit more about timelines...
I've found that a timeline is a very wonderful tool for not only seeing the big picture of history, but also as a way to help foster the retention of everything we've studied. As Otter thumbs through the pages of his timeline notebook, he's able to see how everything fits together AND at the same time review all of the wonderful books we've read since we paste the covers in on a regular basis. Timelines don't have to be tied to your history classes. You can also paste in scientists and achievements from your science curriculum, artists (and even the works they created), composers from your music studies and novels you read for literature, if they fall into a historical time period. If you get your children into the habit of pulling out their timeline on a regular basis for a variety of school subjects, they'll start to really understand how things fit together in the past. Also, when they finally graduate, they will have a lovely scrapbook featuring their many learning adventures over the years!
If you liked these printables, please check out our other printables!
Some Other Timeline Ideas:

- Take the pages out of your notebook and line them up on the floor to really see how time and events have progressed -stretch it across the room and down the hall! This really gives kids an idea of how long ago something happened.
- Quiz each other with questions like, 'What books did we read set in Medieval times?' 'Who do you think is on the same page as Mark Twain?'
- Enter in pictures of your family members on their birth dates
- Examine your timeline and find connections that you might not have seen otherwise.
Here are some more resources for timelines:
Timeline Maker Free Printable
Timeline Figure Resources:
Geography Matters
Go to their history and timeline materials to see the timeline figure CD's. They have free samples you can take a look at. Some of their images look like 'clip art'.
Use Google images to find a picture of a book cover or person.
History Through the Ages
Homeschool Through the Woods sells several timeline figure packages. They provide 'detailed' professional (very attractive!) looking black and white drawings. They also offer a CD where you can print off pictures from all of the sets at whatever size you need - not just small for your timeline.
Historical Timeline Figures
These are 'cartoony' black and white line drawings. You can see the entire listing of names and events listed for their sets (which is really nice to be able to do).
Images of American Political History
A collection of over 500 public domain images.
Konos History Heroes
Colorful and 'fun' characters for your timeline. Each set of history characters also has an activities book you can buy separately (looks like fun)!
Portrait Gallery of Historical Figures
An alphabetical listing of people in history. Click on a name and you are taken to a page with a portrait. You can shrink the portraits down for your timeline pages.
Online Timeline Resources
(Use these to get ideas from or to guide you in creating your own.)

Alterna Time
A collection of timeline links for lots of different subjects (not just 'history').
Bible Timeline
It's just text, but useful!
A gigantic online, clickable timeline (with some maps too!). Wow, this thing isn't the prettiest timeline I've ever seen but it's still pretty neat.
Update: I finally got around to a long-overdue update to this resource. Most of the figures are the same, but there are a few changes here and there especially in the pre-history figures. I’ve fixed a few errors and updated the attribution links – you’ll find those at the end of each document (make sure you don’t print them out!) I’ve added a separate blank figures file to make it easier to customize your own in a PDF file. If you have suggestions or ideas on how to expand this resource, let me know!
It’s finally done! I’m so excited to share this with everyone (mainly because I worked super hard on it and I want it to be worth the work.) It’s free to download, but please, personal use only, all copyrights apply. These are timeline figures only, not the full timeline. If you would like to print out the timeline that we used, go to the Raising A Self Reliant Child Blog to download it.
Please note that these are secular timeline figures. The prehistory section included as much as I could cram in about epochs and eras, plus tracing the basic human timeline. I included dinosaurs and critters to keep it interesting for the younger kids. I know that prehistory is incredibly long, but it’s almost impossible to correctly show the range. For our timeline, we printed out extra pre-history blank pages (with the squiggly line) and I’m explaining to the Engineer that the squiggly line represents long periods of time.
Timeline Maker Free For Kids Online
Because I designed it for younger kids to spark their interest in history, you’ll see the date of the first Crayola right up there with the invention of the steam engine. I had a lot of trouble with the modern history section because of all the political stuff, wars, and horrible terrorism incidents. I tried to include the highlights and the world-altering events while keeping the anxiety-inducing history to a minimum. Please note that there is an emphasis on American history because that’s where we live.
History needs to be engaging and meaningful, so I crafted a set of genealogy write-in figures. They’re designed to write in the name of the person and glue in a picture, so that kids could add their family to their timeline. In the event that you can’t get an image, there’s a blank silhouette to use instead. Because I know that I missed a lot of interesting things, I included write-in timeline cards that you can write events on and illustrate with drawings or your own pictures.
Please, if you find a typo, comment and let me know. I used the Fact Monster website and InfoPlease website to confirm dates, and I found a few discrepancies while working that I fixed. If you think I missed some really important events, send me a comment and I’ll whip up some updates to add to this post.
I strongly believe in attributing ownership so all images are either public domain or creative commons licensed images. For more information, please check the attribution pages at the end of each link.
Because I’m an art freak, I also tried to include as much famous artwork as possible to help familiarize students with the work. U.S. presidents are included with the label of POTUS (President of the United States) and the length of term that they served.
Free Timeline Maker For Kids In 5th Grade
It all started the way things normally do around here: the Engineer and I decided to do something (a timeline on this round) and I went hunting online for something free or cheap. This time, I found practically nothing. A timeline, but nothing to put on it. I found a few different figures that he could color in, and three sets of color Story of the World-aligned figures. Those were color images, but a bit boring for my active kindergartener.
We stood looking at our early modern history and modern history section of the timeline, and I could see the storm brewing. We had nothing. Zilch. What was I supposed to fill it in with?
Timeline Template For Kids
The Engineer was excited about our timeline. I was trying to show him the linear nature of time and spark his interest in history. Until now, he fought tooth and nail because SOTW was “boring” to him. Yay. More curriculum we aren’t using.
Free Online Timeline Maker For Kids
I realized that I had a bigger problem – the SOTW sets left out so many things that I thought were interesting. There was no pre-history at all (understandable given the source) and the ancient history section was a bit dry for the Engineer. So, my project expanded. And kept expanding, until I lagged my computer out because I had too many images in one file. Which is why I have six subsections. Sorry about that!
Timeline Maker Free For Kids 3d
I hope that my work will help you out, or help your child get excited about history. History isn’t about names and dates: it’s about world-changing events that could start as small as inventing a light bulb. History is exciting! History is fun – and my goal was to share that with my son, and everyone else who needs it.
Note: after writing this post I realized that SOTW’s non-secular viewpoint was affecting how history was presented, and has some flaws in the dates. I can’t recommend the curriculum, and after fact-checking the timeline cards that align with SOTW they’re a little off too. I do not recommend SOTW – we’re going to try Pandia Press instead.