Windows Vps Software

To install software on your server, you can log in to your Windows dedicated server using Remote Desktop and download installation package to your server (typically an EXE file), or you can connect to your server using FTP and copy the installation package from your computer to your server.

Active6 years, 2 months ago
Windows Vps Software
  1. Vps free download - VPS, VPS, VPS SmartOne, and many more programs.
  2. Choose from a range of widely used Linux and Windows operating systems, including Windows Server 2019. Root access means total control of your VPS: Change any file, install server-wide applications and fully customize your server to the needs of your project.

I have installed 3 vps on my windows machine. now i want different software on every vps. so do i install all software on main machine on which i installed vps or should i login in all vps one by one and install software separately? is there any other way by which i install all software on main server machine and allocate them to VPS?

thank you...


closed as unclear what you're asking by TheCleaner, squillman, Falcon Momot, Ward, 87cd25770aAug 2 '13 at 15:13

Windows Vps Software

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1 Answer

From the viewpoint of installing software, a virtual machine is just like the real thing, you need to install software from inside the virtual machine.

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