- Yuri's Revenge: CnCD2K is a mod for Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge, created by MustaphaTR. Description: CnCD2K is a Yuri's Revenge mod which adds new units and buildings to all sides, new subfactions to make all side has 5, new special units to each subfaction, a new side, a new campaing, a couple of new hero, remakes of RA,CS,AM and RA2 missions.
- While the war waged between the Allies and Soviets - from the sunny Florida Keys to a frozen Moscow - Yuri was quietly scheming, planning, testing, and devising.History went on without him - Russian Premier Romanov signed a historic peace treaty with the Allies and the free world remained free.Now it's Yuri's turn to make history, and wreak vengeance on his foes.
- Whether you played the Allied or Soviet campaign in RA2, it soon became clear that Yuri was the real villain of the piece. In Yuri’s Revenge, Soviet and Allied forces each get one new seven-mission campaign in which to defeat him for good after his re-emergence, supported by a range of psychic toys.
Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge (aka 命令与征服:尤里的复仇, Command & Conquer: Alerte Rouge 2 - La Revanche de Yuri, Command & Conquer: Alarmstufe Rot 2 - Yuris Rache) is a video game published in 2001 on Windows by Electronic Arts, Inc. The game is set in an africa, europe, north america and oceania themes. Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 is a classic real-time strategy game, first released for Windows back in 2000. The two bundled campaigns - Red Alert and Yuri's Revenge - follow on from the first game, and pitch the Allies and the Soviet Union against each other in a range of missions from small and stealthy to fast-paced, full-scale multi-unit battles.
Yuri is back! The fearsome Russian psychic, one of the masterminds behind the Soviet attack in the original Red Alert 2, has developed a new technology known as the Psychic Dominator. With this device he plans to control the minds of every man, woman and child on Earth. Wielding fearsome new weapons and soldiers, he's taken his own secret army and built them into a devastating attack force, based on psychic ability and cloning technology. Play as either the Allied or Soviet commander as you attempt to defeat Yuri and keep your enemy from turning the tide of battle.
Yuri's Revenge is an expansion pack for the original Red Alert 2, and in the tradition of the original, it shines in all its campy glory. Set in a fictional future where the Soviet Union has launched a surprise attack on the United States, Yuri's Revenge picks up just hours after the original Red Alert 2 ended. Thrust into yet another pivotal battle to decide the fate of the world, you'll be able to see another chapter in the Command & Conquer universe, driven by a host of new missions and just as much FMV as the first game.
Gameplay, Controls, Interface
Red Alert 2 is a traditional RTS title, with a 3rd person overhead perspective view that lets you control units across a large map. With bases on either side capable of producing new modules that expand their capabilities, along with the soldiers and vehicles that you use to staff your army, there's a wide range of attack and defense strategies to choose from. Keeping pace with the design standards of the original Red Alert 2, the new units (Yuri's forces included) don't unbalance the game and keep it moving at the same previously established blistering speed.
Each base is built around your MCV, or Mobile Construction Vehicle. It deploys into a large construction yard that you can use to construct your base. Energy is provided by simple power plants, and you can produce soldiers and vehicles with a Barracks and War Factory. Yuri's Revenge adds new construction options in the form of the Allied Robot Control Center and the Soviet Industrial Plant. The Robot Control Center allows you to deploy Robotic Tanks, immune to the psychic mind control of Yuri's forces, while the Industrial Plant reduces the cost of Soviet vehicles and speeds their production.
In addition to the normal Allied and Soviet forces, for multiplayer games you'll get access to Yuri's army, which specializes in strange technology and psychic ability. The basic unit, called the Initiate, is a psychic trooper that uses pyrokinetic abilities to incinerate enemy troops. One of your advanced structures is called the Genetic Mutator, which targets your opponent's soldiers and mutates them into Brutes, powerful antitank soldiers that have more in common with the Incredible Hulk than the soldiers they used to be.
Multiplayer Support
With the same multiplayer capabilities as Red Alert 2, all that Yuri's Revenge does for you is to add a third combatant, Yuri's Forces, and a few extra units for the Allies and the Soviets.
Always an unfortunate element of Westwood's Command & Conquer games, the graphics in Red Alert 2 are very similar. I'm not discounting the fact that Red Alert 2 has excellent graphics for a game of its quality, with detailed 2D models and fully rendered in 16-bit color. However, Yuri's Revenge only adds a few new units' worth of graphics, all in the same style they've always been presented. The technology that handles those graphics has improved, but the style is just the same.
Fortunately for our sense of continuity, each of the actors from Red Alert 2 has been brought back for the expansion pack, and you'll get to hear them during the game (and see them during the cutscenes). Once again the new units have been given a distinctive character, from the grizzled voice of the Guardian GI to the disturbing attitude of all the Yuri units.
Command And Conquer Yuri's Revenge
System Requirements
PC CD-ROM, Windows 95/98/NT 6.0/2000/Millennium, PII 266 or better, 64 MB RAM, 2 MB Video RAM, 16 bit color, 4X CD-ROM drive, 100% Microsoft compatible mouse, Direct Sound compliant sound card, 200 MB additional hard drive space, 3D hardware acceleration (optional).
Bottom Line
A good expansion pack, Yuri's Revenge builds on the design strengths of Red Alert 2 and preserves the same 'high balance' present in the first game. Westwood keeps the game at a reasonable level, a little bit tougher to beat than the first game and obviously designed for a player familiar with Red Alert 2, but with a learning curve that won't outpace you as you learn the new units. At the same cost as most expansion packs, this one gives you enough to be entertained but doesn't leave you thinking you just wasted a bit of cash on features that should've been included in the first game.
America invaded. The President under attack. Russian armies are on the move again. Now is the time for war, now is the time to strike back. Would you take the helm of the allied forces and fight back with the remnants of the American army, seeking to take back the US homeland from the evil Russian invaders? Or would you become the Soviet commander, fighting for Premier Romonov, backed by the psychic commander Yuri, seeking only the glory of the USSR?
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And thus we have Red Alert 2, one of the latest releases from Westwood Studios and the newest title in the Command & Conquer family of titles. Red Alert 2 is a Real Time Strategy (RTS) game created by the company which practically invented the concept and it more than lives up to its predecessor's reputation.
With both a detailed single player campaign and some very fun options for multiplayer, including the World Domination Tour created for Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun, Red Alert 2 gives a rich and expansive RTS experience.

Gameplay, Controls, Interface
Far and away Red Alert 2’s strongest category, the gameplay will not disappoint. Gone are the problems with tank rushes and engineer raids, as Westwood has decided to focus on ‘balancing high,’ a fascinating principle. It relies on strong units that can deal out large amounts of damage, preventing the original problems with tank and engineer rushes. In fact, they are so confident in this concept that they’ve included a host of powerful combination attacks, rather than just the old engineer rush, that would have unbalanced any other game of this type.
Like a normal RTS game, Red Alert 2 relies on the creation of a base with a series of preset buildings. As these buildings are created, they serve any number of uses -- from building units to providing new technology with which to wage war. The way this is handled is a slight disappointment from games of this genre, as the basic rules governing creation of buildings and units are the same as they’ve always been in Command & Conquer, with little innovation.
The single player experience in Red Alert 2 consists of a series of 12 missions for both Allies and Soviets, with each mission having a Full Motion Video (FMV) cut-scene, which explains the backstory and the next mission. These FMVs are grea,t in my opinion, as they portray the story purely from the side of the game you’re playing (allied or soviet), and none of the story relies on having played from the opposite side. If you only want to play through the Allied missions, everything will make sense.
Following Gameplay, Red Alert 2’s graphics are its second strongest element. Each unit has a lot of detail and, although only in 2D at 16bit color, they are highly detailed and move very well. Combine that with maps that are wonderful to look at in and of themselves and you’ve got a graphically impressive title.
Although the sound effects in Red Alert 2 don’t have the sheer mass of such games as Starcraft, they do have a relatively unique character. Each unit has a distinctive series of sounds, many of which are obviously faction specific, from the eerie sounds of the psychic trooper to the southern drawl of the Rocketeer commandos.
Red Alert’s soundtrack is entirely too appropriate for the missions, strong and dramatic for the allies, and grim and determined for the soviets. The two major problems I found with the soundtrack were its repetitive nature and complete lack of any action specific music, such as battle music that heightens as the fight grows more intense.
System Requirements
Miniumim: PII 266mhz, Win95/98/NT4.0 with Service Pack 3.0 installed, 64MB of RAM, 4x 32bit CD-ROM, 350MB HD Space, 2MB Video Card w/16-bit Color.
Multiplayer: Two player -- 56kpbs modem, TCP/IP Connection, or IPX LAN. 3-8 Players -- P450, 128MB RAM.
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Reviewed On: AMD K6/2 400mhz, Win98, 64MB RAM, 4GB HD, Diamond Viper V700U, Creative Labs Soundblaster AWE 64, 24x CD-ROM.
Relation To Previous Installments
Without a doubt, Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 does everything that Tiberian Sun should have, but didn’t. It shines, it sparkles, it destroys even the toughest of stains. With vastly improved graphics, enhanced gameplay, and a far easier interface, Red Alert 2 is definitely the most advanced Command & Conquer title ever produced.
Room For Improvement
Unfortunately, the same gameplay that makes this the best Command & Conquer title ever, is also its greatest hindrance. Although certain bugs in the balance of forces have been resolve, nothing has been done to change the basic feel of the game. There isn’t any innovation in the areas of building or unit production and ‘superweapons’ still take minutes to charge and function like one shot weapons.
Bottom Line
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 is probably one of the most entertaining RTS titles I’ve played all year. I came, I saw, I saved Washington, DC from certain destruction. Although the gameplay hasn’t changed much from the original, the updated graphics and the resolution of minor bugs make this a wonderfully enjoyable title.